Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Been lusting after you for a while now

Pretty excited. Looks like this baby is gonna live in my garage very soon...

Monday, July 2, 2012

I'm the luckiest girl alive!

So Dave is a mate of mine from Brisbane Outdoor Gear. He's the creator of my beernut, and my babycandy and both are impeccably made. Early this year, he also started creating bike bags. 

Now, after my adventure with Thomas and Yumi in Japan last year, I've been thinking I need me my own bike bag to get me travelling more. I wrote to Dave and said wow your new bike bags rock. On the wildest off chance - would you make me one in hot pink to match my bike??? He thought it was a rad idea, but didn't have the material. I said hey - no worries bro was just an idea - I'm not travelling with my bike for a while anyways so I'll get a standard one in a few months when I'm all cashed up again.

My travelling plans didn't quite come into fruition and life got in the way (poor excuse), and I ALMOST forgot my travelling dreams... Meanwhile, Dave never stopped thinking about the inspiration. He searched high and low for hot pink fabric cause he knew how much I would love it. 

Today, I was feelin low - been sick with Glandular Fever all over again, and I was a bit bummed out that I had no solid travellin plans on the horizon. That was all UNTIL I got this baby in the mail. 

And what a way to make a girl's day? I'm the luckiest girl alive!!! Thanks Dave - you rock! xxx

Friday, December 2, 2011